Compliance LEV help control the risk of exhaust fume in line with HSE legislation by delivering you the correct LEV system for your facility.
Vehicle Exhaust Pollution
Vehicle exhaust pollution is responsible for around 40,000 deaths in the UK annually. These same exhaust gasses are found in garages, MOT stations, vehicle workshops, railway and transport facilities, airports, fire stations and in fact, anywhere that a vehicle engine is running and emits fume.
Dangerous and poisonous gases like carbon monoxide are present in vehicle exhaust fumes and they can also be attributed to immediate fatal poisoning depending on the levels of a gas concentration that are inhaled. The respiratory tract is particularly sensitive and long-term exposure can increase the risk of lung cancer.
Vehicle, Diesel & Exhaust Fume FAQ
Controls are required specifically where:
- A vehicle is idling for long periods with little changes of air. Any exposure to the fumes they produce is harmful.
- A vehicle is started indoors with poor general ventilation.
Compliance LEV are highly trained and knowledgeable LEV experts. Don’t hesitate to contact us for free initial advice and site survey
“Introducing LEV is a great way to control exhaust fumes and keep people safe meeting your legal obligations.”
Compliance LEV can specify, price and install the correct LEV system as a complete solution provider.
Compliance LEV are highly trained and knowledgeable LEV experts. Don’t hesitate to contact us for free initial advice and site survey.
Types of LEV:
Need Help?
Talk to us today to find out how we can help you with your LEV Testing requirements.